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Given an array of dates, closestTo() returns an object containing data of the compareDate closest to the controlDate.


import { closestTo } from 'easy-dates';

closestTo(controlDate, compareDate)

The expected output is an object with the following properties:

  • difference: the time in milliseconds between the controlDate and the date closest in time from the compareDate argument.
  • closest: the date object of the closest date from the compareDate.
  • closestIndex: the index of the closest date in the compareDate array.

Prop types



Compare multiple dates
const twentyFourHours = 86400000;
const today = new Date(;
const tomorrow = new Date( + twentyFourHours);
const dayAfterTomorrow = new Date( + twentyFourHours * 2);
const weekAfterTomorrow = new Date( + twentyFourHours * 7);

const argumentsArray = [tomorrow, dayAfterTomorrow, weekAfterTomorrow];

closestTo(today, argumentsArray) // { difference: 85400000, closest: Sat Mar 19 2022 20:26:34 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time), closestIndex: 0 }
Compare a single date
const twentyFourHours = 86400000;

const today = new Date(;
const tomorrow = new Date( + twentyFourHours);

closestTo(today, [tomorrow]) // { difference: 85400000, closest: Sat Mar 19 2022 20:26:34 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time), closestIndex: 0 }
Comparing a single date?

Don't forget that the compareDate must be an array.