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Returns a boolean representing whether two date ranges have any overlap.


import { areIntervalsOverlapping } from 'easy-dates';

areIntervalsOverlapping(rangeOne, rangeTwo);

Prop types

The function accepts two arrays. Each array should contain two dates, forming a range.


Within each array (i.e. rangeOne), the first date must be before the second date.


const today = new Date(;
const tomorrow = new Date( + oneDay);

// The earlier date must be first
const rangeOne = [today, tomorrow]; // Do this
const rangeTwo = [tomorrow, today]; // Don't do this

// If the arrays above are in the correct order, then the order of arguments doesn't matter
areIntervalsOverlapping(rangeOne, rangeTwo) // Do this
areIntervalsOverlapping(rangeTwo, rangeOne) // or do this


const oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
const today = new Date(;
const tomorrow = new Date( + oneDay);
const nextWeek = new Date( + oneDay * 7);

const rangeOne = [today, nextWeek];
const rangeTwo = [tomorrow, nextWeek];

areIntervalsOverlapping(rangeOne, rangeTwo) // true
const oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
const today = new Date(;
const nextWeek = new Date( + oneDay * 7);

const rangeOne = [today, nextWeek];

const twoWeeks = new Date( + oneDay * 14);
const threeWeeks = new Date( + oneDay * 21);

const rangeThree = [twoWeeks, threeWeeks]

areIntervalsOverlapping(rangeOne, rangeThree) // false